March 14,
Dear CEO
We have
made several aggressive progresses recently. First of all, I am very
happy to release the attached “Chinese CEO 2012 Monthly Plan” to you. As
you may see, there is at least one activity in a month. Some may have
more than two. It looks very colorful and I believe it will be greatly
beneficial to CEO members.
our CEO e-Letter shall be in place soon. This is another good way to enhance
our connections with members. Gene Chang is named as Chief Editor. Let’s
give Gene applause to expedite our e-letter publication.
CEO Membership Committee is also working very diligent to recruit more
qualified fresh members. In order to upgrade Chinese CEO Organization, we
are about to release our new criteria for member recruiting. And we
will add a special section in e-Letter to introduce our newly recruited
In short,
with all the efforts made by the Board of Directors, I am certain that we are
at the right track and direction to march on!
save the Monthly Plan for your future reference. Your participation and
support is so crucial to the success of 2012 CEO plan. Please join our planed
events the more the better.
Last but
most important, we have reserved space for each of you in our Monthly
Plan. The attached Calendar is tentative. If you have any
interesting topics that may be suitable to CEO Organization, please feel free
to share with us. We’d love to add it into our monthly plan. And
you could be the Month of CEO members to be in charge after approval by the
Board of Directors.
work together to move our CEO Organization forward to next level!
Best regards,
Cheng Lu
Chinese CEO
714-690-3700 Ext-211
Fax: 714-690-9697