親愛的會員們: 您們好! 應國務院僑務辦公室、上海市人民政府和江蘇省人民政府邀請,陸誠 (Cheng Lu) 會長日前回國參加了“2012‥
更多30 - 10月
Seminar on Business Insurance & Dinner (10/23/2012)
ChineseCEO and Hong Kong Association of Southern California are partnering up with The Hartford and New Century Insurance to organize a Business Insurance Seminar & Dinner on October 23, 2012 at Hilton Los Angeles/San Gabriel from 6:00 on to 8:30 pm.
更多23 - 10月
[CEO活動通知]﹕陸誠 (Cheng Lu) 會長中國行隨談 - 本週五午� '5c會 (10/19/2012)
應國務院僑務辦公室、上海市人民政府和江蘇省人民政府邀請,陸誠 (Cheng Lu) 會長日前回國參加了“2012相聚長三角——海外高層次人才活動”,分別對上海市、常州市、鎮江市、揚州市、昆山市及南通市等地進行了考察訪問,
更多19 - 10月
Chinese Direct Investment in California Conference (10/11/2012)
On October 11, the Asia Society will release a new report that assesses the patterns and impacts of Chinese direct investment in California and provides policy and business leaders in the state with recommendations on how to attract further investment and maximize its benefits. T
更多11 - 10月
2012相聚長三角——海外高層次人才活動 (10/11/2012)
(本會訊)應國務院僑務辦公室、上海市人民政府和江蘇省人民政府邀請,陸誠 (Cheng Lu) 會長日前回國參加了“2012相聚長三角——海外高層次人才活動”,分別對上海市、常州市、鎮江市、揚州市、
更多11 - 10月
Legal Issues of Doing Business in China (10/6/2012)
UWest Special Seminar on Legal Issues of Doing Business in China Fred Hong, Attorney in Law
更多06 - 10月
Huntington Library Mid-Autumn Gala (10/3/2012)
The Moon Festival is comming soon. Sponsored by Bloomingdale's and supported by Chinese CEO Organization, Hong Kong Association of Southern California is joining hands with the Huntington to organize a Mid-Autumn Gala on October 3 (Wed) from 6 to 9pm.
更多03 - 10月