
Avoiding Financial Loss and Civil Penalties When Exporting
Date: Tuesday, November 9th, 2010
Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Location: Holiday Inn - Conference Center
14299 Firestone Blvd, La Mirada CA 90638 (FREE PARKING)
Featured Speakers:
John Bushnell - Senior Trade and Industry Analyst
- U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) Western Regional Office
Maurice Kogon - Director, Center for International Trade Development
Bruce Leeds - Attorney at Law and of counsel to Braumiller Schulz LLP
(Details, Download regist word file)
新聞發布稿﹕ 美中政學企“城市規劃與發展”高峰論壇 (Oct. 18﹐2010)
上海市嘉定區人民政府    美中工商協會聯合主辦
本報訊,美中工商協會日前在拉斯維加斯的The Signature at MGM大酒店与上海市嘉定區人民政府聯合隆重主辦有中美政府官員、學術界与企業界領袖參加的“城市規划与發展”高峰論壇。美中工商協會會長栗亞博士在介紹本次高峰論壇的目的時表示,“我們的目的是通過中美兩國政府,學術界及商界領袖的互動,分享兩國城市規划和發展的經驗,分析和探討城市規划中的城市發展目標,發展規模,空間布局,產業發展導向,城市文化,教育,環保等問題,以期實現城市化的均衡和可持續的發展”。 (More Details)
美中政學企“城市規劃與發展”高峰論壇 (Oct. 12﹐2010)
上海市嘉定區人民政府    美中工商協會聯合主辦
我會將于本月十二日在拉斯維加斯于上海市嘉定區人民政府聯合主辦有中美政府官員、學術界与企業界領袖參加的“城市規划与發展”高峰論壇。屆時亦將于十月十二日下午一時在拉斯維加斯市政府与拉斯維加斯市長Oscar B. Goodman見面會(有興趣參加者,請于十月五日前確定)。論壇于十月十二日下午三時准時開始。雞尾酒會及晚宴下午六時開始。晚九時,美中工商協會安排會員生日慶祝活動。
Mr. Gavin Zhang -- Amsino International Inc.
855 Town Center Drive, Pomona, CA 91767
Tel: (909)626-5888; Email: gavin_zhang@amsino.com
Gensun Casual Living
1219 E. Locust Street,Ontario, CA 91761
Tel: (909)230-9878
本客車于十月十三日上午十二點從MGM 酒店出發返回洛杉磯。
時間﹕3 pm – 8:00 pm, October 12, 2010
地點﹕The Signature at MGM Grand Hotel
145 E. Harmon Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89109
China Economic Development and Outlook (Oct. 28﹐2010)
A Special Session where you can Touch the Pulse of Business Prospects in China
The Mihaylo College of Business and Economics in California State University Fullerton invite you to attend a panel presentation featuring a delegation of economists from the renowned University of International Business and Economics. The panel, which will compliment the 2010 Economic Forecast Conference, will address the development of the Chinese Financial System and US-China business opportunities in light of the current economic environment of China. We welcome an audience of business professionals and scholars intrigued by current foreign interest of investment in the American economy.
Please RSVP to Professor Bruce Xiao at bxiao@fullerton.edu
by Friday, October 22
時間﹕1:30 – 4pm, Thursday, October 28
地點﹕Hyatt Regency of Irvine
Conference Theater Room
INVITATION: The CEC Luncheon Conference (Sep. 19﹐2010)
Our “brother” organization, The China Enterprise Council (洛杉磯中資企業協會) will have a Conference on “Navigating the Opportunities and Challenges of Incoming Chinese Businesses” to be held at the Los Angeles downtown Marriott Hotel in the afternoon of Sunday, September 19, 2010.
The Conference will present several panel discussions, covering myriad topics including the movement of cargo, passengers, data, and capital, brand name and distribution channels, green technology, and much more. The panels will be comprised of a variety of speakers from Air China, Bank of China, BYD, China AVIC International, China Railway Construction, China Telecom, and many more. Attendees will also have the opportunity to meet with the 70+ CEC members, who represent Chinese companies doing business in Southern California. ChineseCEO is a co-sponsor for the event. Please see the details by click on links. (Details, Agenda)
INVITATION: China's City of Innovation and Entrepreneurship – A Signing Ceremony for Shenzhen-U.S. Bilateral Investment Projects (Sep. 13﹐2010)
ChineseCEO is invited to partner with the City of Shenzhen, P.R. China, North American Representative Office of Shenzhen, P.R. China(NAROS) to announce a signing ceremony, titled “Shenzhen: China’s City of Innovation and Entrepreneurship – A Signing Ceremony for Shenzhen-U.S. Bilateral Investment Projects.”
Join us as the Honorable Mr. Rong Wang(深圳市委書記王榮), Party Secretary(top leader of the city), City of Shenzhen, hosts an event celebrating the bilateral foreign direct investment between the U.S. and Shenzhen based companies/organizations.
The Downtown Los Angeles Marriott Hotel
333 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90071
(Parking free with validation)
Date & Time:
Monday, September 13, 2010 8:00am-10:30am
Complementary Event, Breakfast Provided. (Register / Details)
歡送黃曉健副總領事、王拓強領事任滿回國 (Aug. 29﹐2010)
中國駐洛杉磯總領館副總領事黃曉健、僑務領事王拓強任滿回國,爾新到任的副總領事卞立新、僑務領事關涌及副領事王紅明將接任就職。8月29日星期日晚間6:30,南加僑界聯合老僑、新僑、越柬遼等社團於蒙市金都凱旋皇宮共同舉辦了『歡送黃曉健副總領事、王拓強領事任滿回國暨歡迎卞立新副總領事、關涌領事、王紅明副領事蒞洛履新』宴會。(click following picture for larger size display)

中國商務部代表團參訪美中工商協會 (Aug. 2﹐2010)
以中國商務部政研室 張國慶主任為團長的 " 商務部赴加拿大和美國調研組" 一行四人,于八月二日上午參訪了美中工商協會。 受栗亞會長的委托,陸誠常務副會長熱情接待了來賓,并与商務部調研組成員進行了一場別開生面,生動活潑的“美國批發零售業現狀与趨勢座談會, 就美國批發業結构和种類, 零售業兼營批發的趨勢, 電子商務(B2C), 連鎖店配送批發, 農產品的批發分銷, 以及物流配送對美國批發零售業的作用等許多問題, 進行了熱烈的討論. 參与這次座談會的美中工商協會的代表還有 鄭世飛, 王克宁等, 以及洛杉磯當地的部分中資企業代表. 會后陸誠常務副會長設宴, 与來賓共進 午餐.

美國百人華商世博訪問團活動影集 (May 23﹐2010)
美中工商協會會長致全體世博訪問團團員 (May 23﹐2010)
親愛的各位團員: 我們這次百人華商世博訪問團從多方面來講都取得了很大的成功,尤其是組織時間之短, 細節之复雜,團隊之龐大, 在操作上帶來極大的難度。然而,我們离開中國時帶回的那 么多美好回憶,仍歷歷在目,想必多年后也會記憶猶新。同時我們的南通之行也碩果累 累,安吉之旅亦輕松愜意。...... (more)
-- 世博訪問團團員世博之行感言
新聞報導﹕美國百人華商世博訪問團 (May 15﹐2010)
1. 中新世博在線: (4/30/2010)
上海世博會大幕今晚將啟  全球華僑華人翹首期待 (PDF file)
2. 网易世博頻道: 來源: 文匯報(上海) (5/11/2010)
"華人華僑回家看世博"活動側記  (PDF file)
3. 中國竹鄉安吉報導(編輯Sun 5/12/2010)
華人精英“百人團”暢游中國竹鄉  (PDF file)
4. 中國國際廣播電臺(記者Yang Yang 5/12/2010)
Mom, We've Come Back Home!  (PDF file)
5. 南通電視台 (Video 5/12/2010)
6. 新民网編輯 (5/14/2010)
美中工商協會世博訪問團來南通  (PDF file)
7. 國際日報系列報導﹕ (記者 孫衛赤 5/11--5/15/2010)
美國百人華商世博訪問團 系列報導
8. 世界日報 (5/18/2010)
美國百人團訪世博 滿載而歸  (PDF file)
9. 照片及採訪報導﹕ (5/12/2010)
世博訪問團 照片及採訪報導  (PDF file)
美國百人華商世博訪問團 (May 1﹐2010)
新聞發佈會﹕“美國百人華商世博訪問團”准備就緒 (April 2﹐2010)
ChineseCEO announces that the US CEO Delegation to Shanghai 2010 World Expo has been successfully formed and the itinerary has been finalized. A Press Conference will be held at 11:45AM on 4/2 (Friday) at 9510 Valley Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770. Major media reporters are invited. Please reserve your time and join our press conference.
Contact phone number: (714) 690- 3700    (新聞稿)   (行程表)   (圖片)
     -- by Chinese CEO, Shanghai World Expo Delegation Committee
美中工商協會主辦“美國百人華商世博訪問團” (May﹐2010)
美中工商協會將于今年5月組織"美國百人華商世博訪問團"參觀舉世矚目的2010年上海世博會。 訪問團成員以我會會員和其他在美華人企業家、專家學者和社會各界人士為主在滬期間除參觀世博外,還將組織參觀上海張江高科技產業園。訪問團的目的是通過考察和交流領略世界各國現代城市生活的最新風貌、了解中國高新技術領域最新熱點、推動美中經貿發展和科技交流、加強美國華人企業与中國政府及民間企業間的聯系、為考察團成員尋求雙邊互惠的商机。行程將于5月8日至5月13日。
倡 議 書 (April 20﹐2010)
青海省玉樹縣藏族自治州14日上午發生規模7.1的強烈大地震,截至當地時間4月 20日,地震已造成2064人遇難,失蹤175人,受傷12135人,其中重傷1434人。 這場突如其來的嚴重災害,造成當地民眾生命財產重大的損失。南加州僑胞感同 深受,並對遭受震災的同胞致以最深切的慰問。
2010年4月21日中國政府決定舉行全國哀悼活動,表達對青海玉樹地震遇難同胞 的哀悼。我們南加州華人華僑也在此共同表達,對青海玉樹地震遇難同胞的深切 哀悼。 南加州華人社團聯合會已經于4月18日召開了緊急會議,呼吁南加各社團華僑華 人伸出救援之手,捐助地震災區。當天由于時間緊迫,沒有能夠及時通知更多的 社團參与。我們再次向各社團呼吁,繼續發動捐助。捐款不論多少,都可以表達 我們海外僑胞發揮同胞愛、兄弟情。并為災區同胞家園重建盡棉薄之力。 捐款可直接郵寄支票至中領館,或者轉交各社團的負責人。
Consulate General of The People's Republic of China in Los Angeles
南加? '7b華人社團聯合會 敬 上
The quake hits Yushu (榆樹藏族自治州) (April 14﹐2010)
--------(report from USC US-China Institute)
Nearly 1,800 people died in the quake that hit Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture 榆樹藏族自治州 in China’s southern Qinghai province on April 14.
The death toll might have been greater but for the fact that the 7:49 am quake struck well before the start of the work or school day. Clocks in Qinghai, like those throughout China, are set to Beijing time, but since Yushu is 1,905 kilometers (1,190 miles) west of Beijing, sunrise was about 7:05 am. Qinghai is a poor province and Yushu is an especially poor area. According to 2009 government statistics, Yushu’s per capita GDP was $1,455, about 39% of the $3,742 national average. Not surprisingly, many homes were built using unreinforced cement blocks or mud bricks. The quake reduced many of these to rubble. In one town, Jiegu, 85% of the homes are said to have been destroyed. Karamibu, a Tibetan plateau-based photographer visited Jiegu on April 17. (More)
美中工商協會2010年洛杉磯新春聚會 (Feb. 21﹐2010)
To all ChineseCEO members: 美中工商協會Chinese CEO will have a Chinese New Year party at 12:00 noon on Sunday, February 21, 2010 at our President Richard Lee's company Amsino International Inc., located at 855 Towne Center Drive, Pomona, CA 91767. Further notice will be send later but for now please mark your calendar!
Conference: CHINA Driving the Global Economy Recovery
(Feb. 26﹐2010)
The conference brings together business leaders, professionals, and academics to discuss trends and challenges of the increasing role of Greater China in the global economy. (more detals......)
UCLA Anderson School Of management: Register Before 2/22/2010
“文化中國、四海同春”2010年洛杉磯新春文藝晚會 (Feb. 19﹐2010)

自2009年春節,由中國國務院僑辦和中國海外交流協會聯合推出的首屆"文化中國、 四海同春"大型迎春文藝演出活動在全球四大洲八個華僑華人聚集的主要國家成功 舉辦以來,"四海同春、花開五洲"的品牌規模和效應在海內外引起了強烈反響。 作為"四海同春"美國系列演出洛杉磯站的唯一承辦單位,《僑報》中國文化發展 中心將于2010年2月19日榮幸邀請到中國人民解放軍總政治部歌舞團來洛杉磯訪問, 這支代表中國人民解放軍最高藝術水平的表演團陣容強大、享譽海內外。他們的到 來將拉開2010年"文化中國、四海同春"大型迎春文藝演出美國系列活動的序幕,并 向洛杉磯的觀眾傳遞來自中國的美好新春問候。
For tickets, please contact Lu Cheng, email: chengl@2EastWest.com (tel: 714-690-3700 Ext 211) ASAP. More details.... 
News Briefing: 107th China Import and Export Fair (Jan. 28﹐2010)
The China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair 廣交會) will visit LA on Jan. 28, 2010. There will be a 107th China Import and Export Fair Los Angeles Briefing Conference on Thursday (1/28) from 11:15 am to 1:15 pm. It is a very good opportunity for our members who want to establish a good relationship with Canton Fair and develop business connections in China.
11:15 AM: Networking and Registration
Noon - 1:15PM: Luncheon Program (We cover the fee.)
Place: LA Area Chamber,350 S. Bixel Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017.
If you want to attend, please email to chengl@2EastWest.com ASAP with your name, title and company name. Space is limited. First come, first service.