Global Courier Express, Inc. (GCE); ETAR Group, Inc. (ETAR Lines)

總裁 美國飛洋貨運/飛洋快遞/華易報關行
President,ETAR Lines / GCE

Adam Deng

鄧澍宏(Adam Shuhong Deng),1978年以重慶應屆考生總分第一名的成績

Shuhong Deng, entered Qinghua University in Beijing, China in
1978 with the highest exam score of all the high school graduates
in Chongqing and graduated in 1983 with a Bachelor's Degree in
Science, followed by two Master's Degrees, one in Engineering and
the other in Economy. Deng came to the USA in 1990 as a graduate
student. He established an international freight forwarding and
logistics company ETAR Lines in Los Angeles, California in 1994,
which was the first company of its kind in USA solely owned by
the people from Mainland China. Deng established Global Courier
Express, Inc. in 2000 and AAA Customs Services, Inc. in 2007.
The companies provide Freight Forwarding and Logistics Services,
Customs Import and Export Services, Cargo Insurance and Banking
Service for international trading business between the Far East
and the US A, and all over the world. Shuhong Deng was also the
president of the Southwest China Association of USA, the founding
member and the first year board director of Chinese CEO Organization,
the Executive President of Alliance for Peaceful National Reunification
of China and the Vice- Chairman of Deng Xiao Ping Foundation in U.S.A.
As a successful Chinese American businessman and a distinguished
Chinese community leader, he was enrolled in "100 outstanding Chinese
in California, U.S.A." and "Chinese and Foreign Celebrities Dictionary".
In November of 1997, Shuhong Deng, with the other five-committee members,
organized a brilliant banquet to welcome Chinese President Jiang Zhemin
and made a speech at the banquet in the name of Chinese Community in
Southern California, U.S.A. In April of 1999, he served as one of the
four co-chairmen of organizing committee of "Southern California
Chinese-American Community Welcomes Premier Zhu Rongji."
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