Doo & Chong, Attorneys At Law

Attorneys At Law

Wendy Doo

Attorney Wendy Doo is the founding partner of the Law Offices of Doo and Chong and has over 38 years of experience as a lawyer, including her work at a major insurance defense law firm. Currently, her practice has a concentration in business litigation, employment litigation, and wage and hour disputes. She also serves as retainer counsel for many corporations on general litigation, claims and employee issues. Wendy Doo is the recipient of the 2018 CA Assembly Woman of the Year Award. She also is the counsel for California Asian Insurance & Financial Professional Association (CAIFPA). Wendy Doo also served as California Court Judge Pro Temp, Court Mediator, Kaiser Hospital Arbitrator, Traffic Commissioner, San Gabriel Hospital Board of Director, Past President of Los Angeles Chinese American Sheriff Advisory Board.

杜惠莉律師是Law Offices of Doo and Chong的創始合夥人,擁有超過38年的律師經驗,包括愈十年作為一家全州性保險公司的出庭辯護律師,處理過千案件。她還曾擔任加州法院代庭法官,法庭調停官和凱薩醫院的裁判官。目前,她專精的業務包括商業訴訟,勞資工時糾紛,非法解僱,案件風險評估等。她還是數十家企業及專業協會,包括華人保險理財協會(CAIFPA)的法律顧問。鑑於她在法律界的建樹及對加州的卓越貢獻,她成為了由加州第五十五区州眾議會頒發的2018年度女性獎的榮譽獲獎者,她也曾擔任聖瑪利諾的交通委員,縣警委員會會長,和醫院理事局理事。
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