East-West Logistic, Inc.

董事長 華美國際物流集團公司
Chairman of East-West Logistic, Inc.

Cheng Lu
(Honorary Chairman)

陆诚先生任美中工商协会会长、华美国际物流集团公司董事长、美国Loyola Marymount大学兼职教授。来美前,任教于中国南京大学。 来美后,就读于UCLA博士学位,并任教于Loyola Marymount大学。他创办的華美国际物流集團公司由華美報關、華美國際物流、 華美保稅倉儲等多個業務實體所組成,以美洲地区和亞洲地區為立足點,提供全球範圍的國際物流全方位配送服務。 華美報關行是洛杉磯首家由中国大陸新移民创辦并持有政府執照的報關行;華美保稅倉儲亦是首家由美國海關批准的華人多功能保稅倉庫; 華美國際物流的營運橫貫美國東西兩岸,連接中美兩地,跨越全球各大洲, 尤其在美国东西部二地及中國大陸主要沿海港口城市設立了多级运营中心,真實构建了太平洋一體化的國際營運網絡,实现了全球化物 流配送的目标,在中美兩地建立了卓著的聲譽。

陸誠先生長期以来热心公益,他低调、踏实,注重团队精神。在繁忙的工作之余,投入了巨大的精力悉心推動和發展美中工商協會會務, 積極資助、支持、參與和領導華人社團活動,积极推动中美经济贸易和文化的交流和合作。近年来,美中工商協會组织舉辦了大量的工商活動,与境内外企业家进行了广泛的经贸交流,不僅增進了會員間的合作和友誼,并且迅速提升了协会作为商业平台的影响力,扩大了与政商界的联系网络和与主流社会的融合,富有成效。

East-West Logistic, Inc. is a leading total logistics provider. We were founded in 1996 with the focus of real operational independence, capacity for innovation, and the ability to provide world class service with personal touch by our highly experienced, high-energy and professional team. Our goal is to combine the tradition of service excellence with advanced technology to facilitate a very unique transport system. To become an extension of our customer's company by tailoring our services to meet each customer's special needs in arranging their international freight in an expediters manner.
East-West Logistic, Inc. is licensed NVOCC, IATA air freight Forwarder, customs Broker and CFS Bonded Warehouse. We accommodate the logistical requirements of every importer and exporter by offering a full range of door-to-door one stop LOGISTICS SOLUTION.
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