美国Jokers Import
Jokers Import


Eva Chang

Ms Eva Chang was born in Hunan China. She came to Los Angeles in early 1990s as a high school student. She studied her under graduate in Cal Poly University with major in international business, and her graduate school in USC with major in finical engineering.

She founded her first company Tool King USA Corp to manufacture and wholesale motor blower for air inflatable. By year 2004, Tool King USA became the leader of air motor for air inflatable and took 80% share of the US market. Afterwards, Eva founded Joker Import Inc. for import and wholesale of 7-18 oz PVC vinyl in US. It supplies tracking cover, entertainment and tent industry. Since 2008, Jokers Import has been doubling it's sales every year and became one of the best known company in the industry.

张珊珊女士出生于中国湖南省, 九十年代初中学时代移民美国并侨居于洛杉矶。大学就读于大学加州州立综合科技大学(Cal Poly)主修国际贸易。硕士就读于南加州大学(USC)主修金融工程。

张女士于1999年创办Tool King USA Corp, 主要从事生产批发工业用途的豉风机. 到2004 年,Tool King USA Corp 成为同业的领头羊并占有美国同类产品80%的市场. 又于2008年, 再次创办了Jokers Import Inc. 主耍进口批发工业7到18oz的工业帆布。目前Jokers Import Inc. 是洛杉矶地区主要的帆布批发公司之一。
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