China CITIC Bank International

聯係: 叶纯,副总经理(洛杉磯) ,中信銀行(國際)有限公司
Contact: Chun Ye, Vice General Manage (Los Angeles)

China CITIC Bank
(Corporate Member)
本行早於一九八零年代初已在美國紐約及洛杉磯成立分行。 自此,本行兩間美國分行一直擔當重要的平台,為在中國經商或投資的美 國公司及從事跨境貿易的大中華企業提供廣泛的國際銀行及顧問服務。

‧ 支票戶口
‧ 儲蓄戶口
‧ 定期存款/存款證
‧ 貨幣市場戶口
‧ 隔夜投資戶口
‧ 住宅及商業樓宇按揭
‧ 建築貸款
‧ 透支戶口
‧ 短期貸款
‧ 銀團貸款
‧ 定期貸款
‧ 貿易融資
‧ 信貸擔保
‧ 信貸檢查服務
‧ 進出口押匯
‧ 信用狀
‧ 跟單託收
‧ 貿易融資安排
‧ 美國聯邦結算系統成員
‧ 美元付款即時交易
‧ 主要外幣存款戶口
‧ 主要外幣買賣

The Bank established our U.S. branches in New York and Los Angeles in the early 1980s. Since then, these two U.S. branches have played a key role as platforms to provide a wide range of international banking and consultancy services to both U.S.-based companies with business activities or investments in China, and to Greater China corporates with cross-border trade flows.

A summary of the types of services offered at our New York and Los Angeles branches can be found below:
Deposit Services
• Checking accounts
• Savings accounts
• Time deposits / Certificates of deposit
• Money market accounts
• Overnight investment accounts
Loan Products & Consultancy Services
• Residential and commercial mortgages
• Construction loans
• Overdraft facilities
• Short term loans
• Syndication loans
• Term loans
• Trade finance
• Guarantees
• Credit check services
Trade Settlement
• Inward and outward bills
• Letters of credit
• Documentary collection
• Trade financing facilities
U.S. Dollar Clearing Service
• Online member of FedWire System
• Real time U.S. dollar payment transactions
Treasury Services
• Deposit accounts in major foreign currencies
• Buy / Sell of major foreign currencies
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