RE/MAX Premier Properties

Senior Commercial Investment & Luxury Estate Advisor

Diana J. Kaplan
江南女士來自中國東北著名的冰雕之都哈爾濱市﹐畢業于中國哈爾濱科技大學精密 儀器設計專業﹐獲學士學位。 曾任儀器儀表設計工程師﹐ 後轉任政府機關干部。 1992年來美求學﹐兩年後獲國際貿易專業碩士學位。 1993年﹐江南女士在加利福 尼亞州考取了房地產執照﹐開始從事房地產行業。 現為美國最大房地產公司之一 的瑞麥克斯房地產公司洛衫磯公司的高級投資顧問。

江南女士是全美房地產協會的會員和加利福尼亞州房地產協會的會員。 她先後獲 得了美國商業房地產投資專家資格認證和美國豪華住宅營銷專家資格認證。 江南 女士的業務主要集中在商業房地產的投資和豪華住宅的買賣。 她專精大型購物中 心﹐辦公樓﹐旅館﹐ 豪華酒店﹐倉儲庫房﹐豪華別墅﹐高級住宅。 作為一名成功 的千萬經紀﹐ 江南女士以她精通的專業知識﹐豐富的經驗﹐誠懇可信和認真負責的 態度為客戶提供了高品質的服務﹐幫助眾多的客戶實現了渴望以久的美國夢。 1995年以來﹐ 江南女士以她出色的業績連年被平為優秀經紀﹐ 並多次獲得了100% 俱樂部獎﹐精英協會獎﹐國際鑽石獎﹐ 百萬名人獎等多項獎勵。

江南女士是美中工商協會創始會員, 多次當選為理事, 并担任过两届副會長。

Ms. Diana Jiang Kaplan came from the famous Ice-Sculpture capital Harbin city, China. She graduated from Harbin University of Science and Technology with a Bachelors' Degree; majoring in Precision Instrument Design. After graduation, she began her career as an instrument design engineer. A few years later, Diana took up a position as a government officer. In 1992, Diana moved to the United States to continue her studies. Two years later, she earned a Master Degree in International Business. In 1993, Diana obtained her California real estate broker license and embarked upon a career in real estate. She is now a Senior Commercial Investment and Luxury Estate Advisor of one of the largest real estate franchises in the United States - Re/Max in Los Angeles.

Diana is a member of the National Association of Realtors of America and the California Association of Realtors. She received the most prestigious designation in commercial real estate in the United States and North America, becoming a Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM). She also earned her luxury estate designation a Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist (CLHMS). Ms. Diana Jiang Kaplan specializes in retail (shopping mall & shopping centers), office buildings, hotels, industrial warehouses, luxury homes and estates. Her advisory service involves both private real estate investors and public entities. Emphasis is in properties $1 million and above. As a successful real estate broker, Diana pursues excellency in serving her clients with knowledge, experience and integrity. With her help, many of her clients have realized their American dreams. Since 1995, Diana has received numerous awards including the 100% Club, The Elite Group, Inter- national Diamond Society, Million Dollar Guild and other awards recognizing her achievements.

Ms. Diana Jiang Kaplan is a founding member of the Chinese CEO Organization. She has served several terms on its Board of Directors and two terms of Vice President of the organization.

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