Tianma Microelectronics (USA) Inc.


Sophia Li-Wen
(Vice President)
李惠瓊:(Sophia Li)
美国百傲藥業公司总裁, 美中工商協會副會長,企業家,社會活動家,音樂会策划人。

19年前創立美國華人藝術家協會,现仼洛杉磯華藝合唱团团长。从商多年,她未忘对音樂藝術的执着追求。曾组织策划:庆祝中华人民共和国建国50周年音乐会, 香港回归祖国音乐会,抗日战争胜利60周年音乐会,中国三大男高音洛杉矶新年音乐会,纪念辛亥革命诞辰百年音乐会,王洛宾作品音乐会,2008年和2015年 成功举办个人慈善独唱音乐会,紀念抗日戰爭反法西斯戰爭勝利7O周年大型紀念音樂會,2016中国新年音乐会等大型音乐晚会。为美中文化交流贡献良多。 李惠瓊旅美三十多年,勤儉刻苦,勇于創新,熱愛生活,樂于助人,充滿活力,熱心公益。

After graduating in 1982 from the Opera Faculty of Guangzhou Music College, Ms. Sophia Lee came to the U.S. to further her studies.
In 1986 as a foreign student she opened a sizeable Arts Craft and Furniture company.
In 1993 she established the Tianma Enterprise which sold LCD Monitors. It became one of the first Chinese companies to enter the market of high-tech products in America. In a joint venture with Shenzhen Tianma Electronics company (a listed company); she became the president and financial director of Tianma Electronics (USA).
In the year 2000, she joined BioCalth International Corp. as an Asian Marketing Manager and launched a patented product called BioCalth. Under her leadership BioCalth has gained its reputation and has become a brand name product to many Chinese American families.
The principle of Ms. Sophia Lee is to live life enthusiastically and give back to charity.
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