New Dream Service LLC


Kent Chiu

新梦公司位于美国南加州的美丽城市-尔湾,是集移民服务EB-5, 留学后学服务 F1, 跨国经理签证服务L1 的专业移民留学服务公司。新梦公司秉承一贯客户至上,服务第一的宗旨,为新移民和新留学生排忧解难,让客户更加放心,开心。新梦公司的专业服务团队和创新服务平台,为客户提供有关移民和留学的各项一条龙服务。新梦公司祝您实现美国新梦想!

New Dream Services is located in beautiful city of Irvine in Southern California, providing professional EB-5 immigration services, L1 visa services for manager/executive and services for F1 students’ study and lives in U.S. New Dream Services has consistently uphold customer first, service first purpose, solving problems for new immigrants and new students. Our one-stop services in our innovative platform make customers’ new lives smooth and happy, helping you American dream come true!
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