East-West Logistic, Inc.

總裁 華美國際物流集團公司
President of East-West Logistic, Inc.

Sherry Wang
(Honorary Chairwoman)
華美集團由華美報關﹐華美國際物流以及華美保稅倉儲三個分支機構所組成。其經營規模和服務品質在南加州運輸業界首屈一指,並創下了大陸新移民在美實現幾個第一的紀錄: 最早成立的華美報關行是洛杉磯首家由中國大陸旅美人士主辦持執照的報關行;華美保稅倉庫是大陸新移民在美開辦的第一家經由美國海關批准的政府保稅倉庫。在王新紅的精心策劃和管理下,華美集團除了積極開拓華人和亞裔市場外,還成功地打入了美國主流社會,形成了自己既多樣化又專業化的服務特色,目前華美的分支機構已佈及美國東西岸和中國主要沿海港口城市﹐構建了橫穿太平洋的一體化的國際營運網絡。
王新紅不僅是一位富有創意的成功女性企業家,她思路清晰,作風幹練,柔中有剛;同時,她還活躍於工商界和僑界,積極參與各項社會活動。在她主持下,華美集團不定期地為華人同胞舉辦義務性質的各種專題研討會,由她組織安排的FDA(美國聯邦食品和藥物管理局)研討會,第一次邀請到FDA主管級官員及美國海關官員來華人社區提供講解和服務。王新紅還多次受邀在中國出口商品交易會(廣交會)發表專題演講,頗受好評。正是由於王新紅為人正派和熱心公益的性格,以及她在企業界的傑出表現,她成為美中工商協會的第一位女會長。 她投入了巨大的精力和物力,悉心推動美中工商協會會務,參與僑社活動,積極開拓面向主流社會的商務活動,同時,王新紅還熱心於促進美中兩國的經濟貿易活動和交流,並為之做出積極的貢獻。
Sherry Wang is the founder and President of East-West Logistics, Inc. and President of Chinese CEO Organization for year 2001 and year 2002, and honorary Chairperson since 2003.
East-West Logistics, Inc provides door to door total logistics services including US Customs Clearance, international freight forwarding, domestic transportation and Bonded Warehousing, and China outsourcing program dedicated to US mainstream mega companies. East-West is going through tremendous fast growing through its wide networking in the United States, major harbor cities in China, Hong Kong, Europe, India and Vietnam. By providing its excellent services to all importers and exporters, East-West is very dedicated to develop the close relationship of economic, trade and culture between the United States and China across the Pacific Ocean and around the world. Sherry is well practiced with US Customs law, government agency's regulations and requirements and import/export procedures for a decade and has the day-to-day overall responsibility for building the company, and has earned an honorable reputation for her diligent, kindness and dedication. She is eager to assist importers/exporters proper procedures of importation/exportation. Nearly twice a year, she hosts free FDA seminars in Los Angeles and New York local communities. Sherry has been honored as an exclusive guest speaker for China Canton Fair since 2003, including the 100 anniversary openings of China Canton Fair as keynote speaker.
Sherry is actively participating in community, social and economic activities. She currently serves as Honorary President of the Chinese CEO Organization and had been elected as President of Chinese CEO Organization for two consecutive terms. Sherry received 2003 Leadership Award by the International Leadership Foundation for her outstanding achievement and contributions to our Asian American community. Because of her well-respected reputation and professional image, she has been guest speaker in many seminar events, such as www.alibaba.com, Southern California Small Business Development Center and more. In 2006, Sherry Wang has been honored to join the Los Angeles-China Delegation with the Mayor of Anthony Velaregosa. In 2007, Sherry Wang received “Outstanding Chinese CEO Award” from Chinese CEO Organization.
Personal achievement wise, she is a member of several influential organizations such as Los Angeles Customs and Freight Forwarding Association and Women in International Trade, and has been honored by Who's Who Chinese and American and Who's Who National.
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