Nearly 1,800 people died in the quake that hit Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture 榆樹藏族自治州 in China’s southern Qinghai province on April 14.
更多14 - 4月
Conference: CHINA Driving the Global Economy Recovery
The conference brings together business leaders, professionals, and academics to discuss trends and challenges of the increasing role of Greater China in the global economy.
更多26 - 2月
[紐約時報]An Eye on Growth, Deals Stretch Across the Pacific (Nov. 20, 2008)
It seems that Etech's publicity soars in contrast to the ever-dropping stock market in November.
更多20 - 11月
國際商報--2009專刊 (Nov., 2009)
President Obama will visit China in this coming fall. IBD《國際商報》will publish a special edition related to Obama's visit. If you are interested, please either contact ChineseCEO or IBD directly.
更多01 - 11月
美中工商2008經貿考察團 (Oct. 31 -- Nov. 8, 2008)
2008 奧運后中國經濟發展戰略与商机
更多08 - 11月
新聞報導﹕美中工商2008經貿考察團 (Oct. 31 -- Nov. 8, 2008)
新聞報導﹕美中工商2008經貿考察團 (Oct. 31 -- Nov. 8, 2008)
更多08 - 11月
新浪网報導: 渝企抵御冬寒須保資產优良(Nov. 6, 2008)
(美中工商协会 ( Chinese American CEO Organization) 考察團一行在"重慶私募融資資本論壇-2008")
更多06 - 11月