1。美中工商协会 ( Chinese American CEO Organization) 捐贈LA Sheriff 1万只口罩。(李世海 (Edward Lee) 會長張國興理事親自送貨)
下面是LA Sheriff在他們Facebook上發佈消息
Today, Sheriff Villanueva and Undersheriff Murakami accepted a donation for 10,000 masks for our “Front Line Heroes”. The donation was from the Chinese American CEO Organization. We want to thank them for their generosity. Let's continue working together to #flattenthecurve.

2。美中工商协会 ( Chinese American CEO Organization) 付會長李惠瓊剛剛把成批捐贈抗疫醫用物質送到St.joseph 醫院。 醫院的全體醫務人員非常感謝美中工商协会 ( Chinese American CEO Organization) 全體捐贈者,並轉達誠摯的問候和謝意。
3。據李世海 (Edward Lee) 會長報告﹕
--付會長李惠瓊Sophia這几周來不斷聯系供貨商,并聯系Queen of Valley 醫院,我們捐贈了500只kn95,100只防護服(戴明 (Steven Dai) 捐)和300只外科口罩(Betti捐)。
李世海 (Edward Lee) 會長說﹕非常感謝﹗你們的努力和付出使我們這次捐贈落到實處,用在最需要的地方。