2014華僑華人創業發展鎮江洽談會will be hold from 6/21 to 6/23 in 鎮江市 by 江蘇鎮江僑辦。
更多21 - 6月
劉健總領事參觀『美中工商协会 ( Chinese American CEO Organization) 』會員企業(June 10, 2014)
6月10日上午9:00至下午5:00,劉健總領事與夫人陳小玲在商務參贊劉海彥、商務領事張冠彬等領館同仁陪同下,分別參觀了『美中工商协会 ( Chinese American CEO Organization) 』的五家知名會員企業。
更多10 - 6月
2014僑商北京洽談會 (5/31-6/1, 2014)
2014僑商北京洽談會(僑洽會)will be hold from 5/31 to 6/1 in Beijing by 北京市僑辦.
更多31 - 5月
BoYa Forum (May 17, 2014)
All CEO members are invited to BoYa Forum (Entrepreneurship in US and China: Innovative Venture Opportunities and Challenges) co-hosted by Peking University Alumni Association of Southern California and Chinese CEO Organization in the afternoon of 5/17 (Sat).
更多17 - 5月
A Taste Of Wine (May 8, 2014)
All CEO members are invited to join us for this exciting wine tasting reception and learn about the wine market in Hong Kong and China.
更多08 - 5月
Huntington Library's private seminar on Charity Planning (May 4, 2014)
All CEO members are invited to Huntington Library's private seminar on Charity Planning for the Chinese Garden on May 4 (this coming Sunday).
更多04 - 5月
[Seminar] Real Estate and Security Investment(April 29, 2014)
Please join the CEO luncheon forum on Real Estate and Security Investment host by Diana Kaplan, Marlynn Ma and Gene Chang at Pacific Palms Resort on 4/29 (Tue). You are cordially invited to join the luncheon forum.
更多29 - 4月