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From: David Cheng [mailto:david@chenglawgroup.net]
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2010 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: Shanghai Expo Delegation
Dear Dr. Lu,
Absolutely! We had a wonderful time.
Looking forward to seeing other photos and notes
about the trip on the website.
From: Cheng Lu
Dear David:
Likewise, we are so pleased to have you all in
this trip. It is very memorable!
Thanks again for your compliments. We will post
it onto our website soon.
Cheng Lu
From: David Cheng [mailto:david@chenglawgroup.net]
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2010 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: Shanghai Expo Delegation
Dear Dr. Lee and Dr. Lu,
I wanted to thank you on behalf of my mother and
myself for leading and organizing the delegation.
The trip was fantastic. I was most impressed by
the hospitality and business development opportunities
presented by the governments of Anji, Nantong and Haimen.
We also greatly enjoyed our time at the Expo.
Perhaps the best part was getting to meet and spend
time with all of the delegation members.
As Dr. Lee so eloquently put, the beautiful memories
of the trip will last for years to come.
I took a few pictures with you and the Hsu's which
I've attached. Also, the reporter who was with us
on the Shanghai night cruise wrote a nice article.
If you haven't see it already, here is the link.
Thanks again for organizing this wonderful trip.
Best Regards,
David Cheng
From: h. g. shen [mailto:hgshen@yahoo.com]
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: Shanghai Expo
Dear Dr. Lu,
It was nice meeting you and thank you for your effort
in oragnizing this trip. I enjoyed the short few days
we spent together in Shanghai. Hope to see you and other
members of your oranization in LA soon.
Honggang Shen
From: JUDY IP [mailto:ip.judy@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 11:59 PM
Subject: Re: FW: Shanghai Expo
Dear Dr.Lu & Dr.Lee,
It is a pleasure to know each other by your successful
planning & arrangement. To let us open mind & update the
to-day's China. That's really impressive & remarkable!
Thanks for a million. Best wishes & lots of success!
Judy & Eddie Ip
Office Pro Furniture Inc. Ca, U.S.A.
From: Wesley Shu [mailto:shuwesley@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: FW: Shanghai Expo
Dear Dr. Lu and Dr. Lee:
Would like to express my deep appreciation for your effort.
If you have chance to visit Taiwan, please let me know.
I frequently visit LA and would like to join the reunion
or visit you if time permits.
Best Regards!
Wesley Shu http://intelliweb.blogspot.com
From: evans.lam@ubs.com [mailto:evans.lam@ubs.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 4:50 PM
Subject: RE: Shanghai Expo
Dear Dr. Lu and Dr. Lee:
On behalf of The Morning Light Foundation, I would like
to express our greatest gratitude on your organization
of this special expo delegation. The arrangement was
impeccable and every member was well engaged.
Spinal thanks to Alice who went beyond her cal of duty
to make everyone at home.
Warmest Regards,
Evans Y. Lam
Senior Vice President - Investments
Senior Portfolio Manager
The Lam Group
UBS Financial Services Inc.
200 South Los Robles Avenue, Suite 600
Pasadena, CA 91101-2497
Tel. 626-405-8262, 800-451-3954
Fax 626-405-8299
From: Fang Liu [liufang_ocean@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 10:37 PM
Subject: Re: Shanghai Expo
Hi Dr. Lee, Dr. Lu and everyone,
Thank you very much for organizing such a wonderful trip
for us. We could feel a lot of detailed work had been done
by the organizers in making this trip a success. I was very
happy with all of the arrangements, and made many friends
during the trip. "Our easten group" wish from now on there
will be an enhanced communication with the Chinese
organizations in west coast and more activities can be
organized in the future. Let's keep in touch.
Fang Liu (Boston/Beijing)
China Program Director of Sepaton
Cell Phone: 508-263-9441 (USA)
139-1001-0918 (China)
Member of NECINA http://www.necina.org/
Member of OCEAN http://www.ocean-usa.org/home/
From: Jenny Chen [mailto:Jenny.Chen@dialogic.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 9:31 AM
Subject: Thank you so much for all you do for us:-)!!!
Dear Dr. Richard Lee and Dr Lu, Cheng :
I am writing to you is to express my deep appreciation
to you who provided the opportunity to NECINA for
co-organizing delegation with CEO to China this time!!!
It was very happy to meet with you all in the delegation;
our entire members do very enjoyed this trip with you.
Thanks again for all time and efforts your team had done
for entire delegation!!!
Especially, I feel luck to meet with you who are very
professional and friendly. I am very impressed by your
leadership and power of cohesion to such talent people
in south California region.
Although we are in different tech field but I believe
the same background, same dream and same agenda will
bring up more cooperation opportunities between us in
the futureJ.
Please be remember that in US New England, there?�s a
high tech organization called NECINA do willing to do
more celebration with you in the future.
BTW, I am going to promote Nantong high tech park to
NECINA members this year. If there?�s enough members
are interested.
Then, we are going to organize a special delegation
to Nantong during the Fall time frame this year.
Your valuable advice do highly appreciated!
Sincerely Yours,
Jenny Chen
NECINA President 2010.6-2011.5
From: Shaona Fang [mailto:shaonal@yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 8:25 AM
Subject: Re: AnJi Hotel location
Dear all,
It's great opportunity meeting all of you in Anji and
Shanghai, China.
I have been Boston last night safely and I will send
you some pictures soon.
Thanks a lot for Dr. Cheng Lu and all organizers who
organized such a success and great event!
Best wishes to your rest trip in China!
See you in the future again, hopefully!
Shaona L. Fang