更多12 - 10月
INVITATION: The CEC Luncheon Conference (Sep. 19﹐2010)
Our “brother” organization, The China Enterprise Council (洛杉磯中資企業協會) will have a Conference on “Navigating the Opportunities and Challenges of Incoming Chinese Businesses” to be held at the Los Angeles downtown Marriott Hotel in the afternoon of Sunday, September 19, 2010.
更多19 - 9月
INVITATION: China's City of Innovation and Entrepreneurship – A Signing Ceremony for Shenzhen-U.S. Bilateral Investment Projects (Sep. 13﹐2010)
ChineseCEO is invited to partner with the City of Shenzhen, P.R. China, North American Representative Office of Shenzhen, P.R. China(NAROS) to announce a signing ceremony, titled “Shenzhen: China’s City of Innovation and Entrepreneurship – A Signing Ceremony for Shenzhen-U.S. Bilateral Investment Projects.”
更多13 - 9月
歡送黃曉健副總領事、王拓強領事任滿回國 (Aug. 29﹐2010)

更多29 - 8月
中國商務部代表團參訪美中工商协会 ( Chinese American CEO Organization) (Aug. 2﹐2010)

以中國商務部政研室 張國慶主任為團長的 " 商務部赴加拿大和美國調研組" 一行四人,于八月二日上午參訪了美中工商协会 ( Chinese American CEO Organization) 。
更多02 - 8月
美中工商协会 ( Chinese American CEO Organization) 主辦“美國百人華商世博訪問團” (May﹐2010)
美中工商协会 ( Chinese American CEO Organization) 將于今年5月組織"美國百人華商世博訪問團"參觀舉世矚目的2010年上海世博會。
更多08 - 5月
新聞發佈會﹕“美國百人華商世博訪問團”准備就緒 (April 2﹐2010)
ChineseCEO announces that the US CEO Delegation to Shanghai 2010 World Expo has been successfully formed and the itinerary has been finalized. A Press Conference will be held at 11:45AM on 4/2 (Friday) at 9510 Valley Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770.
更多02 - 4月