美中工商协会 ( Chinese American CEO Organization) 再次更多抗疫捐贈


美中工商协会 ( Chinese American CEO Organization) 捐贈LA Sheriff 1万只口罩。(李世海 (Edward Lee) 會長張國興理事親自送貨) 下面是LA Sheriff在他們Facebook上發佈消息﹕ Today, Sheriff Villanueva and Undersheriff Murakami accepted a donation for 10,000 masks for our “Front Line Heroes”. The donation was from the Chinese American CEO Organization. We want to thank them for their generosity. Let's continue working together to #flattenthecurve.


”Together that we prevail“--美中工商协会 ( Chinese American CEO Organization) 捐贈USC醫院

”Together that we prevail“--美中工商協會捐贈USC醫院

美中工商协会 ( Chinese American CEO Organization) 會長李世海 (Edward Lee) Edward Lee 發佈消息﹕ 美中工商协会 ( Chinese American CEO Organization) 理事會召開多次會議,理事們都非常認真,大家認為花錢要對得起捐贈人,要把大家捐來的錢用在最需要的地方,買第一線醫生需要的物品。最近每周都開會討論,獻計獻策。薛楊名譽主席還親自前往醫院了解需求,再去購買他們非常需要的face plastic cover面罩和口罩﹐非常用心。


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