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美中工商協會和上海嘉定區人民政府聯合舉辦 “城市規划与發展”高峰論壇(10/18/2010)
2010 世博訪問團
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2010 春節聯歡晚會
2009 活動安排
2008 活動安排
2009 ChineseCEO Records


美中工商協會第十二屆理事會通訊簡報 (Dec. 4﹐2009)
第十二屆會員大會及選舉圖片   第五屆CEO杯高爾夫球錦標賽發獎及晚宴圖片

美中工商協會于2009年11月22日下午在美國加州洛杉磯舉行了第十二屆常規會員 大會。 本人或委托他人參加大會和同意召開大會的會員人數超過有表決權的正式會員的 半數以上。根据會章的有關規定,此次大會的表決和選舉有效。 大會的第一項議程是由第十一屆理事會匯報工作。第十一屆會長栗亞代表理事會 向大會作了工作報告。栗亞會長在報告中首先回顧了理事會兩年來的工作。他指 出,兩年來,美中工商協會為增進在中美兩地從事商業、貿易、實業及各种相關 經貿活動和相關專業服務的工商界人士間的合作、交流与友誼,促進中美貿易, 推動事業發展,增強群體力量,維護會員利益,做了大量的工作。協會在會內和 社區主辦、協辦、支持和參与了大量的工商貿易和社會公益活動,成功組織了高 級工商代表團回國訪問考察,接待了從中國各地來美國訪問的各級、各類政府或 私人企業家訪美代表團,多次舉辦了大型工商研討會和會員聯誼聚會,舉辦傳統 的“CEO”杯高爾夫球賽,積極贊助、參加慶祝中華人民共和國成立六十周年活 動,成功地為大陸冰雪災害、汶川大地震、台灣水災等募捐,等等。 (More....
美中工商協會第十二屆會員大會 (Nov. 22﹐2009)
請有意參加競選理事或會長的會員盡快通知Tony D. Chen (Secretary General ﹐ Chinese CEO Organization﹐1.310.720.2598 mobile ),以便將您的名字列入候選人名單和選票上。具體時間、地點通知如下:
地點:Courtyard Marriott Hotel
14635 Baldwin Park Towne Center
Baldwin Park, CA 91706
Tel.: (626) 962-0000
2009年CEO杯高爾夫球錦標賽 (Nov. 22﹐2009)
會員們、朋友們:雖然時令已入深秋,然而南加州依然是天高日麗、風清气爽。 為領略自然、陶冶身心、增進交流,我會將再次舉辦傳統的 CEO 杯高爾夫球錦 標賽暨頒獎聯誼晚宴,熱切歡迎廣大會員和親朋好友踊躍參加!
球賽:早7時 工業市Industry Hills Golf Club
Tel.: (626) 810-GOLF
晚宴:晚7時 Courtyard Marriott Hotel
14635 Baldwin Park Towne Center
Baldwin Park, CA 91706
Tel.: (626) 962-0000
報名:請洽 陸誠常務副會長
  (714) 690-3700 x 211 (辦公室)   (714) 595-9695 (手机)
  (714) 690-9697 (傳真)  ChengL@2EastWest.com (電郵)
(click for more details about costs)
美中工商協會第十一屆理事會會議紀要 (Oct. 11﹐2009)
美中工商協會會長栗亞于2009年10月11日中午在上島海鮮酒家宴請在洛名譽會長和理事并召集了理事會。出席會議的有:栗亞會長、楊衛宁名譽會長、陸誠常務副會長、江南副會長、陳東秘書長、周芳財務長、李春雨理事、王克宁理事、薛揚理事和鄭敏理事。栗亞會長主持了會議. (more details)
2009 中秋節快樂 (Oct., 2009)
今年的中秋節 是公歷 2009年10月3日 星期六 天秤座 農歷 己丑(牛) 二零零九年閏八月十五。 八月十五日為中秋節,因恰值三秋之半而得名,亦稱八月半、仲秋節。

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慶祝中華人民共和國成立60周年獻禮歌曲<<國家>> (Sep., 2009)

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中國外商投資企業協會代表團將訪問洛杉磯 (Sep. 3, 2009)
地址﹕Marriott Courtyard Hotel at 14635 Baldwin Park Towne Ctr, Baldwin Park, Ca 91706
電話: 626-962-6000. 中國外商投資企業協會訪美團組名單
支援台灣災民度過難關,重建寶島家園 (Aug. 2009)
-- 8月16日(星期日)中午11時召開賑災募款餐會。
    地點:采味樓 (626-445-8882)
    558 W LAS TUNAS DR., ARCADIA, CA 91007
-- 8月27日(星期四)晚7:30時音樂募款晚會。
    地點﹕ Pacific Palms Conference;   Detail  and  More
國際商報--2009專刊 (Nov., 2009)
President Obama will visit China in this coming fall. IBD《國際商報》will publish a special edition related to Obama's visit. If you are interested, please either contact ChineseCEO or IBD directly.
IBD《國際商報》 is directly under the leadership of Chinese Ministry of Commerce. They have sent a delegation to visit CHINESECEO last year and have established a good relationship each other.
(see details)
“ Open leads to light, Trade brings us gold” (Aug. 10, 2009)
On behalf of the Ministry of Commerce of P.R.C. (MOFCOM) and the Chinese Consulate General in Los Angeles, we sincerely invite you to attend the event "OPEN LEADS TO LIGHT, TRADE BRINGS US GOLD" as our dignitary guest in LAS VEGAS on Aug. 10th , 2009.
The event will be hosted by Mr. Zhong Shan, the Vice Minister of Chinese Ministry Commerce, and consists of two sections: China Brand Show 2009 and Promotion Seminar of 106th China Imp. & Exp. Fair. (see flyer details)
Under the current situation of worse-than-expected world economy, governments of all the main countries have taken various countermeasures. China is one of them. We open our market and encourage global trade by our action. For this event, we are going to provide a great opportunity not only for the buyers who want to source from China's manufactures but also for the sellers who are willing to know how to explore China's rising consume market.
We are looking forward to meet you in Las Vegas on Aug. 10th.
It will be highly appreciated if you could reply by Aug. 5th.
And we also cordially welcome your member companies to join us together, please feel free to transfer the flyer below.Thanks!
By Economic and Commercial Section, The Consulate General of P.R.C. in Los Angeles
(see flyer details)
天津市邀請參加國慶慶祝活動(Sep 24, 2009)
2009華僑華人專業人士天津創業發展洽談會(Sep 21, 2009)
CIFIT Annual Event(第十三屆國際投資貿易洽談會)(Sep. 8th, 2009)
An invitation letter from the Mayor of Xiamen (廈門), China for CIFIT Annual Event. The famous city of Xiamen has become a new hot spot economically after Shanghai, Tianjin, and Chongqing. That of cause will greatly serve the purpose of promoting US-China economic and trade development, as well as our CEO members' interests. Since we have developed a decent relationship with Xiamen Government and CIFIT, it may be beneficial for each of us. If you are interested to plan a visit in Sept, 2009, please feel free to contact us ASAP (charles@chinawto.com). We may join a delegation group or introduce you individual to CIFIT. Letter from the mayor of Xiamen.......
CIFIT Delegation Press Conference (July, 15th, 2009)
CIFIT delegation from Xiamen, Fujian will visit LA and held a press conference at Chinese Council General building (443 Shatto Place, L.A. Ca.) on 7/15 (Wednesday). It starts at 10:00am. The purpose of their visit is to promote CIFIT Xiamen Event . Our President Richard Lee and our CEO Delegation have met them in Beijing last year. Jay and his Etech will also form a world capital forum in Xiamen in Sept this year. All members of Chinese CEO are welcome to attend. If you are available and want to meet CIFIT guests, please come on 7/15.
美國總統Barack Obama國慶演說詞(July, 4th, 2009)
Friend --
This weekend, our family will join millions of others in celebrating America. We will enjoy the glow of fireworks, the taste of barbeque, and the company of good friends. As we all celebrate this weekend, let's also remember the remarkable story that led to this day. more.......
Free FDA seminar( June 29th, 2009)
An free FDA seminar is sponsoring by East-West Logistics, Inc. on June 29th from 2:00pm to 5:00pm. This event would have great value to you or any contacts you have that import FDA regulated products (i.e. food, vitamins, medical supplies, cosmetics etc.). This will be a powerful program with management level speakers from both local and Washington DC headquarters FDA offices. More Details.......
FEDEX Business Conference Series(June 5, Aug 26, Nov 5, 2009)

Free to ChineseCEO Members. More Details.......
首屆世界華人炎帝故裡尋根節 (May 19, 2009)
2009 "相聚長三角" 華僑華人專業人士創業指導服務周(May 17 -- 22, 2009)
"相聚長三角" 活動是由上海、江蘇、浙江三省市僑辦聯合舉辦的僑務品牌專題活動。活動定于2009年5月17∼22日舉行,在 "國務院僑辦引智引資重點聯系單位" ──張江高科技園區設主會場,江蘇、浙江設分會場。海外嘉賓在參加上海主會場活動后,可自愿選擇參加江蘇或者浙江分會場活動。詳細內容及申請表,   下載文件.
The 7th SCMJ Annual Conference and Distinguished Business Achievement Awards Luncheon(5/16/2009)
This conference will focus on the Great Change Challenges & Opportunities post 2008 Financial Tsunami. And The Conference Luncheon will be keynoted by Honorable Fredrick Fu Chien, Chairman of 09 Taiwan Delegation to BoAo Asia Forum, former President of ROC Control Yuan, Chairman of ROC National Assembly and former ROC Minister of Foreign Affairs. Zappos.com, renovating shopping behavior worldwide, will be the recipient of the Annual Entrepreneurial Award, of which previously recipients, amongst others, included Philip Chen of Apex Computer System, Richard Lee of Amsino Medical Group and Ming Hsieh of Cogent System (Nasdaq: COGT). Business and financial leaders are also invited to speak on the morning panel before the Luncheon.
The conference detail info English or Chinese;
ChineseCEO congratulation AD.
美中工商協會隆重歡迎中國政府高級知識產權代表團 (March 28, 2009)
圖片﹔ <<僑報>>新聞報導   <<世界日報>>工商頭版報導
Welcome Chinese Intellectual Property Delegation (March 28, 2009)
Invitation:A Dinner Banquet for Chinese Intellectual Property Delegation Join us for this rare opportunity to meet this important Delegation and learn about the latest development in China's IP policy and Strategy.
Organizer: Chinese CEO Organization
Co-Hosted by: Asia Society, USIPO, LAIPLA
Date: Saturday, March 28, 2009
Time: 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Venue: Westin Bonaventure
404 S. Figueroa Street﹐Los Angeles, CA 90071
Cost: $100 per guest。Spaces for this event are limited.
Please complete RSVP and email to zhuzhu@etechsecurities.com, fax to 626-792-6888, or call 626-796-9888 (ext: Zhu Zhu) before March 23, 2009. (More Details...)
美中工商協會隆重歡迎哈爾濱市政府代表團訪美 (March 10, 2009)
圖片: 美中工商協會設宴歡迎哈爾濱市政府代表團訪美﹔
Leading by the executive vice mayor of Harbin city, China is coming to visit Los Angeles. Chinese CEO will host a welcome dinner for the delegation on Tuesday, March 10th at San Gabriel Hilton.
If any memeber of Chinese CEO would like to attend this event, please contact Ms. Diana Jiang Kaplan, VP of Chinese CEO Organization.
Date: March 10, 2009 Tuesday at 6:30 pm
Venue: San Gabriel Hilton Hotel - San Diego room.
Address: 225 Valley Blvd., San Gabriel, CA 91776
Cost: $30 per person
Dressing code: Business
CHINA﹕Redefined On The World Stage(Feb 27, 2009)
The coming Greater China Business Conference will be held at UCLA on Feb 27 . If you are interested in the conference, please contact Mr. Genping Liu.
e-mail: Genping.Liu.2009@anderson.ucla.edu
Telephone: (310)880-8982
Registration: http://www.andersen.UCLA.edu/wooconference (detail) .
中國僑辦洛杉磯春節慶祝晚會(Feb. 7, 2009)
相關報道﹕1. 《僑報》報道:"四海同春"赴美慰僑演出團準備就緒
2. "文化中國 四海同春"在美拉開序幕
美中工商協會2009春節慶祝晚會(Jan. 24, 2009)
In celebrating Chinese New Year of 2009! The year of OX. All members are invited. Reservation is required. Please be on time, dinner will be started promptly at time. Cost for this event is $20 per person. Should you have any questions﹐ please contact Diana Jiang Kaplan at 626 - 589 - 5522.
時間﹕6﹕30PM, Saturday, Jan. 24, 2009
地址﹕Mission 261 (御珍樓)
261 S. Mission Drive﹐San Gabriel, CA 91776 US (View Map)
"中美企業高峰論壇"成功舉辦&NBSP;各家華人媒體熱烈報導(Jan. 20, 2009)
US-China Enterprises Forum has been very successful on 1/20/2009 (Tuesday) at Pacific Palms Conference Resort. ChineseCEO is the key organizer.
"中美企業高峰論壇"与海外春晚《五洲同春》隆重舉行(Jan. 20, 2009)
US-China Enterprises Forum is on 1/20 (Tuesday) at Pacific Palms Conference Resort. It is open to our members. As business platform, the Forum will be a great place for us to update and exchange our business info. Any member likes to join, please contact Lu Cheng.
地點:太平洋棕櫚大酒店(Pacific Palms Resort)
地址:One Industry Hills Parkway, Industry Hills, CA 91744
地點:柯達劇院(Kodak Theater)
地址:6801 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, CA 90028
歡迎中華全國歸國華僑聯合會主席林軍先生一行晚宴(Jan. 19, 2009)
Any member likes to join the dinner party on 1/19 (Monday), please contact Lu Cheng ASAP.
晚宴時間: 2009年1月19日(星期一)晚6:30
餐館名稱: 金都凱旋皇宮 (Capital Seafood Restaurant)
餐館地址: 755 W. Garvey Ave., Monterey Park, CA 91754
餐館電話: 626-282-3318
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